By Tiddily Winks

Many people come on Second Life to be intimate with others they have met online. These people may be in a real life relationship as well. This is kept secret by some of the people who play intimately on SL but is not kept from the real life mate all the time. It is something the person needs to choose to do but may hide the fact that what they are doing may be wrong. This may be done because of a lack of intimacy in his or her real life. This may be done because of fantasy that a real life relationship does not fill. Whatever the reason, it is up to the person on Second Life to talk to his or her real-life mate. It is not something that is necessarily a good thing to hide. Still some people use SL as stress reliever. It can be relaxing to come on SL and reduce the stress that real-life causes. It is also used to live out fantasies that are not possible to live out in real life.
Some people do not have contact with others much in the real world due to different reasons. So the people like this use Second Life to meet people and have a social life. Because they are not able to for whatever reason they have in real-life, this is a way to meet some great people. SL is how some people socialize.
Some people think that everything on Second Life is fake. “All of it is if fake and pixels.” If it is so fake then why do so many people use it for different reasons? Yes, it is true that most people do not look like that avatars do in real life but SL is a way of getting away for your issues in real-life. So why would anyone want to look like themselves to come and do someone that is not real?
No matter what people use Second Life for, there is one important thing to always remember. No matter what, there is still a real person who is behind the screen that can be hurt by things that are done on SL. So don’t purposely go around hurting people just because you do not agree with what they do or how they look. If you are in a real life relationship, do not try to hide Second Life from your significant other. It may just cause trouble for you later on.
Tiddily Winks