Two of my oldest friends in Second Life are Kikas Barbenco and Marmaduke
Arado, partners not only in SL but also real life. They are
performers of wearable art at many events and regions around the Second Life grid. They also live in my home sim, Thorstar, where they have a home
that I can only describe as a reminder of a visit I made to a Mardi Gras
float factory in New Orleans , LA, USA. There are items of interest that can
be used to create their scenery for their plays waiting to be used. They have
all the possible items you can find all around the sims mostly great freebies. Kikas wardrobe is the envy of everyone who watches the shows . Marmaduke has
wonderful tuxedos and great bathing suits ... and physique.
Wednesday I was
able to attend a performance in LEA2. KG Shine, titled, "Me Kikas, You
Marma: The Extraordinary Adventures of Kikas and Marmaduke." All their art
is put on behind a red curtain. When the curtain rises Kikas is usually in
some difficulty from which Marmaduke must save her ... however Kikas is
sometimes (mostly) the heroine of the story. Some scenes are frightening, some
humorous, some that seem to be private and the audience becomes an
intruder. Their misadventures are often unimaginable except in the mind
of the creators, but such fun. Peeking behind the curtain is frowned upon but
is enlightening.
The first few times I went to see their shows years ago they
were so simple and cute with a few wearable art pieces and short in duration.
They have progressed so far in their scenery and story lines it is amazing. I
love to see their shows, always something new. Many artists attend to see
the performances. The audience enters into the spirit of the show and
expresses its thoughts openly which adds to the performance.Kikas and Duke
enter into the fun with their responses. If you are interested in seeing their
performances you may join their group for notices: The Wearers.
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