Wesley Regenbogen
Earlier this month, the Full Circle Club hosted one of the last events of the Relay for Life's fundraising season, which officially closes this Sunday August 24.
Wesley Regenbogen: Hi Kammie and Hope.
Đяєαмѕcape ღ
(hope4ever43): Hi there.
Kammie (kamaniya): Hello.
Wesley Regenbogen: So, you are hosting an event today for the Relay
For Life in your club called The Full Circle Club. How did you decide
to host this event ?
Đяєαмѕcape ღ
(hope4ever43): Well, see, the other owner as well as I have cancer and
we truly believe in this event. And I have been battling it for five years.
Kammie (kamaniya): I have family that has had cancer as well.
Wesley Regenbogen: Ah, that's sad to hear. So, it's a personal thing
to host this event here in your club in Second Life. Have you raised
much by hosting this event yet ?
Kammie (kamaniya): So far (with) our other owner, who is afk at the momen.t
we have raised a total of 234,696 L$ so far.

Wesley Regenbogen: Linden dollars, right?
Kammie (kamaniya): Yes.
Đяєαмѕcape ღ
(hope4ever43): Yes.
Wesley Regenbogen: Is the ammount given to the Relay For Life
Kammie (kamaniya): Yes
Đяєαмѕcape ღ
(hope4ever43): Yes
Wesley Regenbogen: That's quite a lot for an single event. What
other things have you done for the Relay For Life?
Đяєαмѕcape ღ
(hope4ever43): We have had bands play here.
Wesley Regenbogen: Which bands have played here so far?
Đяєαмѕcape ღ
(hope4ever43): Oh, that is not for a single event.
Kammie (kamaniya): It's not for a single event, sorry. We just started
this event. We had other events at a previous club we worked for.
Wesley Regenbogen: Ah, okay.
Kammie (kamaniya): We just had our grand opening for club last night,
and this is the first Relay For Life event for us.
Wesley Regenbogen: That's cool. Are there other events during the
next days in the club?
Kammie (kamaniya): Yes till the end of August.
Wesley Regenbogen: Cool, so the club has just opened and you host an
event, that's nice. Who created this club?
Kammie (kamaniya): We all did together.
Wesley Regenbogen: cool. This club is nicely decorated. I must admit
this is a nice club to visit, it's the first time I've visited it.
Đяєαмѕcape ღ
(hope4ever43): Thank you so much, we have worked very hard. Please tell all your friends.
Wesley Regenbogen: I will soon. Just one more question. You
mentioned there are other events for the Relay For Life in this club.
Can you tell me what events are on the calendar?
Kammie (kamaniya): We leave that to our other owner, Christopher410. He's our event coordinator.
Đяєαмѕcape ღ
(hope4ever43): And dj and host. (He) put part of (his) tips in there as
Regenbogen: Cool. It's nice to
see that so many people are donating for the Relay For Life events. I
wish you all the best for your events and also wish you luck with
your health and hopefully you will get better soon.
Đяєαмѕcape ღ
(hope4ever43): Thank you very much.
(kamaniya): Thank you (smile).
Wesley Regenbogen
Thank You Wesley for such a Nice write up.