By DrFran
I do realize
that Burn and ToS madness are tearing across the grid, but I have always
followed the beat of my own drummer, even on the playa. Thus, I was pleased to
realize that a project I had seeded months ago finally bore some fruit through
an email from an early resident of Second Life™.
I had sent a
list of questions to folks on the Beta Contributors wall as well as in a
posting on Second Life Universe. From all of this, I received one reply so far,
and I would like to share it with you.
The Goal of This Project
My aim, in
attempting to contact early members of SL, is to explore what the experience
was like for them. Things now are so different than they were when I rezzed in
2006. I can’t imagine what it was like to operate in a world that really was
being created by the people who lived in it in 2002, 2003, and 2004. I am
hoping that a number of interviews with oldbies will shine a light on the birth
of this virtual world.
Malachi Petunia,
born September 21, 2003, is no longer often in Second Life™, but his insights
into the early days offer many things to think about, especially as it seems
some things never change. He seems to be pretty soured on Second Life, which is
a pity, because I believe, as does he, that the potential of this world is
SLNewser: How did you
find out about Second Life™?

SLNewser: What are
your earliest memories of Second Life™?

first thing I recall doing was obtaining a “starter plot” in DeHaro which was
parceled out for that purpose. I took “Cabin, Small” out of my Library
inventory and put it on my plot. I learned how to modify that build and within
a week had purchased my second plot in Tehama and built my first “saltine-box”
house. There’s a decent map of the world I entered, and it is a little shocking
to see how small it was.
SL Newser: What kept you logging
back in during the early days?

is no accident that in the early days the F8 key was bound to a voice-emote “Look
what I made,” as literally everyone was a creator in those days, because there
was almost nothing else to do. There was a daily notecard that had the day’s
events, usually about a half-dozen, with one of the better-attended being
Pituca Chang’s trivia contest held at Stage 4. Stage 4 was built at the intersection
of Dore, Ahern, Bonifaco, and Morris, and allowed up to 40 people to attend an
event at once.

My real life sister followed me into SL a few months after I discovered it, and was
captivated by it to an extreme degree. She’d always had difficulties with real life
social interaction (with cause) so SL gave her a much needed ‘mask’ which
allowed her creative, playful self out for the first time. She ultimately quit
her real job to become a full-time SL designer/merchant, and met her now
husband of 8 years in-game.
SL Newser: What are your fondest
memories of the early days?
Malachi: My greatest fondness was
for the gestalt and really can't be pinned down to one thing.
SL Newser: What are your funniest
memories of the early days?
Malachi: There were two amusing
bits worth recounting from my early days. On perhaps my second day in game I
went exploring and wandered into some club in DaBoom (which might have been the
only club at the time). There were two women in the windowless build and we
started chatting. They asked me if I knew where I was and looking around at the
decor I guessed “Lesbian Dance Club?” Not even close, it was a strip-club and I
was talking to the proprietor and one of the strippers. I’ve always found real lide
strip clubs to be a little sad, not for the women, but for the patrons. Not
wanting to be rude, I did accept a “dance” from the stripper and sat at my
machine laughing at the comedy of it. There were no custom animations at the time,
and music could only be imported in 10 second clips. Stripping consisted of
executing one of three available dances and poofing off four clothing items,
one at a time.
was not long after that I was invited to a hot-tub party and discovered that I
was a Ken doll underneath my clothes—talk about castration anxiety! But, I got
over it. Attachments didn’t exist then, so nominally male avatars were
uniformly distaff [sic].
SLNewser: Did you fall in love in
Second Life™?
Malachi: I never looked for love
in SL, so never found it, but I made a good dozen real life friends. Of course many
people did find love by happenstance in the early days, but the only
relationship I know that has persisted is my sister’s.
SL Newser: Who was your favorite

SL Newser: What were your favorite
Malachi: My favorite thing was building/scripting,
and two or three person conversations in the evenings, which is pretty much an
echo of my real life.
Malachi: The addition of the real
money economy killed the game for me. It brought a horde of carpetbaggers who
were just looking to make a buck and turned a “Burning Man” vibe into a “Vegas
hucksterism” feeling. For me it killed the joy of creation for its own sake.
SL Newser: Do you still log in? If
not, why not? If yes, what keeps you coming?
Malachi: I log in about once a
year just to see what things look like, and I am invariably disappointed. As a
lifer I receive a Linden dollar stipend which just continues to pile up, so I
find some worthy artisan and dump it on them.
SL Newser: What would you like the
world to know about Second Life™?
Malachi: SL is a lovely case study
of something that could have been really cool but died through managerial
ineptitude. Given the whore's den reputation that SL has now, I continue to try
and never associate myself with Malachi because what drew me there was seen by
too few for people to know just how much potential and fun there was in the
early days.
there you have it. I welcome feedback to SL Newser, if you agree or disagree
with what Malachi had to say. For the most part, I do agree with his views on
many things, although I don’t agree the economy in Second Life™ ruined its
vibe. However, I wasn’t even a pixel in the eye of Philip Linden back in 2003.
DrFran Babcock
Written about in Ciaran Laval's blog -
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