
Monday, August 19, 2024

Interview With Xavier Thiebaud

 By Bixyl Shuftan
Addition: Two videos added to near the bottom

Xavier Thiebaud is a man who has seen and done much in Second Life. Way back, he was one of the avatars on the Beta Grid before the virtual world officially opened. He's also been involved in theater and co-founded the "A-List," a popular group for clubs and others to announce events. But after a long Second Life, Xavier recently announced in the A List that he will be departing in September. I recently met up with him, and we talked for a while.

Getting to his home, we greeted on another, then the interview began.

Bixyl: To begin with, describe what you do here in Second Life.
Xavier: (laughs) I wear many hats and I am seen in various roles. I am the owner and founder of 'The A List!', which is a community of SL's finest from all walks of life, Artist and Fashion and Live Music and Cultural Arts such as Opera and Ballet and Theater, pretty much the things that makes up Second Life, Arts and Entertainment. 
Over the years I've also have used my influence to help guide the direction of the culture within Second Life. So I can be seen as a politician in a way.  I have also helped make people famous, get noticed. I've also have put on huge special events, like my Farewell party.
I am an Ambassador, gate keeper, face of Second Life I can also be considered as equivalent of a Hollywood  movie or music producer. When my late girlfriend was alive, we were also into philanthropy, nurturing young up and coming artist and talent.

Over the years I've had average citizens tell me they have never heard of me. And I smile and say "that's the point.' My goal was never to be famous, but to help others achieve fame. I name drop and say those house hold names you know, I have known for many years. And my rolodex is vast, all across Second Life. They call me friend. That's good enough for me.

Bixyl: Sounds like you've done quite a bit. How did you find out about Second Life?
Xavier: Oh my. Have you ever heard of The Sims? ... Me and my friends came from The Sims Online back in 2002 and 2003. We were the Beta's, (the) founders of Second Life itself.

Xavier then invited to take me somewhere. We both ended up going to Plum (132/52/33), where there was a three-panel wall with names. This was The Beta Contributor Wall.

Xavier: Bixyl, this is where everything began. I get a little misty eye when I come here. Many of these names were my friends. I've lost touch with them. Almost no one even knows this is here. I doubt the new Lindens do either.
Oh we were a crazy wild bunch, professors and artists and hackers and dreamers like me. A motley crue of misfits.

Bixyl: What date did you drop in, and how did your first days go?
Xavier: I can't say exactly as Xavier is my 4th incarnation. I lost all the others, I did not take it as seriously then as I do now. I would never of dreamed I would of still been here, after 20 years. (noticable pause) Oh, my, GOD!  IT'S BEEN OVER 20 YEARS!
Bixyl : Guess time flies when you're having fun *grins* How did those early days go?

Xavier: Well, people made things for the pure joy of creation. We had a true sense of community,  friendship. "Hey look I made a T shirt. Here want one?" "I made a new thingamagig. Here have one." Now it's all about money.
We had hackers and mafia wars and a Shadow Government. Did you know Anonymous was originally formed here? 
Bixyl: No, and I don't recall anyone saying it was.

Xavier: Yes it was. People don't know or won't say. Like I said, I know all the secrets long forgotten. It got so bad. They attacked Linden Labs. Linden Labs was being hacked. It was insane in the early days. You had to know how to defend yourself. I always managed to remain neutral despite keeping a high profile.

Bixyl: What did people have to defend themselves from besides hackers?

Xavier: Well we used to have huds or shields. Some were so strong they were banned.

Bixyl:  Sounds like there were a number of fights. What were these Mafia Wars and Shadow Government?

Xavier:Oh it got brutal. Shadow government was well. Griefers who griefed griefers or players who played outside the rules of the TOS, enforcing vigilante justice."
We then teleported to another spot. This was at Kirkby (130/164/24). In front of us was a wall with a number of spheres with names over them. Some were familiar such as Luskwood and the Ivory Tower. Others were not, such as the Kentucky Fried Engineering Bucket and the Skyline Graveyard. 

Xavier:This is the Wall of History. Did you know much of the mainland is role modeled and named after California, well specifically northern California, and the water the San Francisco Bay and the names of areas in northern California?

Bixyl: I can't say that I did, though it makes lots of sense.
Xavier: My SL Aunt, Heather Goodlife, was the creator of the original waves of Second Life.  I was gonna take you there next and Philips Hill and a few more iconic places.
Bixyl would you like your own Phil Linden Collectable Avatar?
Bixyl: Certainly, thank you. And yes you can, I do take plenty of pictures. ... Got it and thank you. I'm sure many long-timers remember the jokes about his appearance
Xavier: Amazing the things one collects over the years.

We then went to another place, Natoma, and the Ivory Tower or Primitives. Xavier was happy to see it wasn't forgotten with the people around, including one pony who approached us. We had a short conversation before it was time to head out.
Xavier took me to another place in Natoma, at (60/204/40). This was the location of the oldest complex object on Second Life, "The Man" statue.

Xavier: Did you know about this?

Bixyl:  I most certainly do
Xavier: Good going

Our next stop was in the Teal sim, at (190/59/21). 
We were at the Particle Labratory.

Xavier:  And here?
Bixyl:  It's been a long time since I was last here. But yes, I've heard of the Particle Labratory. How would you describe it to those who are new?

Xavier:  I am so old and jaded I rarely belileve anyone is new.  This is a place of learning, how to make things happen. (It) all begins with 1 prim. Script this prim, it moves. Texture the prim, it begins to move and take action.
Xavier would take me to one more place, one I had been to earlier in my time in SL, had sadly closed, and was reopened a few years later by Linden Lab. We were at (58,204,24)
Xavier: Welcome to The Lost Gardens Of Apollo. Dane was a friend of mine.

Bixyl: Thank you, it's good to be here.
Xavier: He shared his dreams with us. He designed it to inspire imagination and creativity and romance and love and magic. Whenever I get tired of things, I come here. (It) reminds me of the magic of SL.
That sculpture is by STARAX, the Michael Angelo of Second Life, 100% prims. Pure talent. He once said 'you must torture the prims into submission.' To own one is rare. To display one is luxury. Soo many prims.
Xavier thought about the two of us riding a vehicle, but something went wrong. Instead he just looked around.

Xavier:  This is the oldest sim in Second Life. The Lindens now preserve it as a part of our history. Go to midnight. Amazing isn't it.

Bixyl:  Yes it is
Xavier:  STARAX did a series of Angels and Demons. Here we see a Demon killing Angels. Very powerful piece.
He would teleport us to another part of the Lost Gardens, one that had some spots for couples not far away.

Xavier:  You can see how this place is great for romance
Bixyl:  Yes I do
Xavier:  Dane loved Second Life. This is Second Life, the magic ... are you still in Midnight?
Bixyl:  Yes I am, and I see the aurora.
Xavier:  Did you know Raftwet? My partner. We met in 2007, dated ten years, in real life. She passed away in 2017, nearly ten years after we met in SL.
Bixyl:  I've heard of her, and I'm sorry
Xavier:  Grease and Gemma were her friends. 
So love does happen in Second Life. Soo many say SL is SL and real-life is real-life. But we have feelings. It's a farce to think we can insulate ourselves from love. I have so many beautiful memories Bixyl. I would not trade anything for it, not even in real-life. This right here does not exist in RL
Here is a tip from an old Avi such as me my friend. When the grid gets a bit much and you think about leaving, remember what brought you here in the first place, then return here, to this very spot. Look over this panarama view, and remember my words.

Live your Second Life on your own terms. No one can tell you how to be. Do what fufills you, and try not to get caught up in the crazy stuff, like clubs and shopping, etc. 
Exploration is the true destination.  I am well traveled, and even I have not seen every sim. It's impossible, like counting the stars at night. That is what kept me in Second Life for so long.
And the beautiful wonderful people I met along the way, people from all over the world. Soo many cultures, languages, ways of seeing things. If you are a citizens of Second Life, you are a world traveler, without even knowing it.
I will miss this beautiful crazy Alice in wonderland with a blend of Dali and LSD dreamland.
Bixyl: You've mentioned earlier that you yourself are departing. Are those reasons private?
Xavier:  Oh, well, yes and no. Something happened in real-life. But this is off the record. My friends in Second Life know, but not the public.

He would explain his story
Xavier: It's when I had my realization my time in Second Life was up.
Simply put, I've done more than anyone ever has. So I am leaving on a high note. I've contributed my entire life to Second Life. Now it's time for me to live in real-life, in a tropical paradise, living 'la vida loca.' Many have said I will come back, or return as an Alt. My true friends, they know I am leaving and with their blessings. Their unselfish love tell me 'go live your life.'
I am healthy and happy. My real-life is a blessing. I've also had a beautiful Second Life as well.  I have no regrets
Bixyl: So besides living in a nice tropical place, what will you do now?
Xavier:  Maybe go work as a consultant in virtual reality. Perhaps talk to the Lindens. Who better than me. In a metaphorical kind of way, would be like me entering the spirit realm and influencing things from another level. That's a beautiful way to end this. (smile) I love Second Life.

Bixyl: Certainly an interesting way to end this ... I take it the A List and other things of yours will go on?
Xavier:  Ava Jhamin is the sole owner now. She's been the owner since Raftwet passed and I took time off from grieving. Second Life felt so empty then. I couldn't bare to be here. Now I leave out of joy and happiness, not out of sadness.

Bixyl: You've certainly spoken a lot. Did you have anything else to add?

Xavier: We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams. 
You know, I had an experience rarely experienced by others because I came with people I already knew. I was never a noob. 

Bixyl: I guess one more question, how much longer will you be around?
Xavier: My rez is Aug 15th, but I plan on staying for a few more weeks,  and eventually just fade away, later not log in,  eventually uninstall the viewer. Once that happens, there is no going back. 
The End.  

Bixyl: Well, thank you for your time, and if there's anything else you wanted to add, let me know.

Xavier: Quite a ride down memory lane wasn't it? I got a little emotional. I am happy with what we said and did, it was honest, heartfelt, and words from an old avatar, sort of like speaking to a person a hundred years old and listening to them tell stories, baring witness to history itself.

I mean it was an honor for me to do what I did, to care witness. Back then, it was a barren wasteland. We had nothing, NOTHING. No trees, water was still, it was kinda boring. And after all that, all I ever learned to do is this ... *shows you my heart* This I made, there. it plays a melody, La vie en rose. So yes, I am an old romantic. Ha ha. Aside from that, all I ca do is rezz a box. I never had the patience to build, But I managed to build an entire community. So I am quite proud of that. No one else has done that. Too many petty rivaleies, jelously bickering, I pulled people together. 

Xavier then showed me this video.

Xavier:  *shows you a video of my Raftwet*  I asked a friend of mine, a Jazz musician, to sing for me on Valentines Day. I practically had to put a hit out on someone to get him to play just for me in a crowd of less than 10 people present, and I have had real-life broadway singers perform for me and Opera singers. So yes i've had a privileged SL

Our 5th anniversary on Valentines Day.  If I were the King of Second Life she undoubtedly was it's Queen. She wore her crown so lightly. We would go to a ballroom, dressed up. She gets a special invite not in any group by some underground DJ to a party. Then we show up. It's some downtown scene, a dark alley. We walk in, looking like our car broke down on the wrong side of town, the guest looking at us like as if  'do they belong here?' And they see the owner of the club and DJ give us hugs. So yeah we did. That's the magic of Second Life.

I just wish people could see SL the way I do, not take it for granted or get stuck in doing the same ole stuff, like clubs, or shopping. Maybe more will see a glance of it, exploring. If I had a message, it would be to explore. And also to tip venues more than 50 Lindens, the teirs are expensive. I never even got into why we have a tip based culture, but no point in that. Takes it into a whole different direction.
See these are the things only a few people like me know why, or remember.

Bixyl: Thank you for your time, and whereever your journey takes you, may it be a good one.

A few days later, Xavier would hold the last showing of his rendition of "The Little Prince" in Second Life, followed by a good-bye party

Gemma Cleanslate would later catch up to him and ask for the name of his Beta account. He answered, "My Beta name? My last name was either Goodlife or Livingston. I didn't take it seriously then."
And so, Xavier's Second Life journey is winding down after over 20 years. Hopefully whatever he does next, it will go well,

Bixyl Shuftan

Friday, August 2, 2024

Interview With Gwen Winchester, Co-Owner of Club Scorn

By Bixyl Shuftan
I recently had the chance to interview Gwen Winchester. Gwen is the co-owner of Club Scorn.  While Second Life has many clubs, Scorn is unique in that it has multiple venues that are the same club. Each has a different theme from beach, to 60s/70s, to post-apocalyptic, to ancient Egypt, and more. Gwen had a number of things to say. 

Bixyl: To begin with, describe to the readers what you do here in Second Life>

Gwen: I'm part owner of Scorn rock club with my husband. When I'm not DJing, I'm either building another venue, taking pictures and posting them on Flickr or going to other clubs.

Bixyl: How did you find out about Second Life, and how were your first days here?

Gwen:Hahahahah! Well that was back in 2007, and I girl at work turned me onto it. And SL back then was new and strange. It is much better for people who come now, they have no idea what being "ruthed" is or hiding in the water until your hair rezzed in and then your clothes.
Bixyl: Sounds like some interesting times back in those days.
Gwen: Oh my God, sadly the glitches back then were BAD!

Bixyl: Any examples that were particularly bad at the time but today you can look back and laugh?

Gwen: Well, lets just say there were times you were stuck naked and "ruthed" meaning all your attachments weren't there and you were stuck in the "taking a s**t" stand.

Bixyl: Ha ha! So what led to you and Scorn?

Gwen Winchester: Well WAYYYYYY back then, when I was "married" here in Scorn to someone who was barely on. My bff was dating someone who was part owner of a club called "Ripped" and she was telling me about it, so her and I decided that since they were having trouble with money and stuff, we figured we would get into being silent partners in this club. That is where I met Atterius, on his old AV. And from there we all had a great club that was on top at the time. 
Then things happened within relationships, not ours, but others. So Ripped was packed up to never be seen again. Atterius and I took a long break, me more so, and then we started Scorn, moved from different SIM and then we decided to buy a full SIM, and hence Scorn as it is today is what we built!

Bixyl:One thing about the club are the various venues across the sim for different events. How did that get started?

Gwen: Well, at Ripped, we had a changer that we would put the venue in a box and then open it with a menu and we could have the different venue. When we bought the SIM, we would have new ideas and we would just leave them, then we would decorate the land, and it ballooned from there.

Bixyl: Any particular favorites?

Gwen: Well, the original Scorn will always be the favorite. But can't say one is my favorite over another, since I put my everything into building them and try to make them perfect for my liking.
Bixyl: In the history of the club, what's been the most interesting and fun unplanned happening, that can be mentioned in the paper?
Gwen: Well the most unplanned thing would be how our staff has become our staff and then how they have made Scorn their home and feel like part of a family that we take care of each other. Interesting is that we have people who love being here and love see what is next to come. Aldaris and Charlee have been great as managers. Zee and Aldaris live on the SIM as well. I give thanks to all the family here at Scorn.
Bixyl:  This year, Scorn had it's own team for the Relay for Life. From your point of view, how did it get started and what was your part in it?

Gwen: Well I have to say Aldaris was a HUGE part in the Relay for Life, it was his baby, he deserves more credit then he will take. Atterius donated a lot of money, I donated my tips, and between Aldaris, Atterius and I was built our spot. Aldaris, Lily, Charlee, and yourself represented Scorn at the race. I feel it was a HUGE team effort and guest effort to put us on the board there. Aldaris was very proud as we all were.
I have to say the best thing about Second Life is that I met and married Atterius, We are partners in SL and hubby and wife in real-life, and that was 13 years ago!

Bixyl:  That is great news. I take it being married in real-life makes it easier to plan things here?

Gwen: Heeheehee! Yeah it does when you work as a full time team!

Bixyl:  So was there anything you have planned for Scorn in the months ahead, and anything for Team Scorn for Relay For Life 2024?
Gwen:  I will leave the Relay For Life up to Aldaris and as for Scorn, we will be doing new venues and hopefully adding some other DJ slots, but we will see about that.
Bixyl: Anything else you want to add?
Gwen: Without the loyal guests and all of the Scorn family, Scorn would still just be a beautiful SIM that no one enjoys! We love our family and all that enjoy Scorn. We thank them everyday for their support!
Club Scorn is at Elysium Tartarus, an Adult-rated sim. As of now, it has events three days a week, Wednesdays at 4 at Elysium Tartarus (87/162/315) with DJ Charlee, Thursdays at 8 at Elysium Tartarus (114/143/3915) with DJ Juana, and from 2PM to around Midnight at a themed location somewhere on the sim. Due to the sim's rating, no child avatars are permitted.

Bixyl Shuftan

Monday, July 15, 2024

Interview With Aldaris (Bawnty Resident) About RFL Team Scorn

 By Bixyl Shuftan
The Relay for Life in Second Life this year has been a big success, with over 462 thousand US dollars worth of Lindens raised. Behind it were over 180 teams. Some have been around for a number of years, such as Team ACTS, the Relay Rockers, The SL Cheerleading Squad, The Sunbeamers, and others. But there were also some new teams. Among them was Team Scorn, the team organized by the staff of the Scorn Rock club. I recently had a chance to interview their team captain, Aldaris (Bawnty Resident).

Bixyl : "To begin with, how did you hear about the Relay for Life, and how did the idea for the team come about?"

Aldaris : "Well, it was you! Or at least it was the close association of the Happy Vixen and the Sunbeamers team. I had no surrounding information other than the fact that there was a link to an inworld location to something called a 'campsite.' It wasn't the first I'd heard of "Relay Weekend" in the week leading up to that moment, but it was the first tangible lead I had to whatever was going on. So I followed it and there you were, at the Sunbeamers site. You told me people would be running by I might recognise and that you were going to bed for the time being. So I went and stood by the trackside and heckled/encouraged everyone and anyone I did recognise! So I took my time, looked around the Sunbeamers camp. I got to appreciate so many people's reasons for running, but still didn't have the greater picture of what Relay was, until Charlee rounded the corner, dashed to the next checkpoint, came back and told me to get running. So I did! I pretty mindlessly followed the track until I saw some eye catching campsites further along. I was taken in by how 'big' the event was - how many people were running by, how much effort had been put into camp builds. Then I slowed down, got to reading. I got to see what it was all for and why. I loved it. I kept on running. I got a little trophy at the end just for taking part. Bear in mind that this was the single biggest 'thing' I'd never come across in SL in terms of scale, participation, and general excitement about it in the run up.

"So I was too late to partake in it that year. But in the time between then and Relay 2024, I got made a manager of the still recently reformed Scorn (Rock Club). Thing is, we're almost entirely new faces except for the owners who've been there since forever. There's nothing particularly binding us as a 'team' except for the shared responsibility to the venue. I thought then that the conditions were right to do multiple things at once. I could unite everyone toward a noble, common cause to give us all a shared history we could be proud of. A galvanising moment to get us all working towards something good, togethe, be an inspiration of hope. 
"I fear that Relay is mostly attended by those - unfortuantely - most affected. I wasn't content to wait to be affected, so I was only happy to bring the message of Relay to those who might not have even known about it before now. I certainly didn't before a year ago ... and, give back. Because despite the overarching theme, despite the sad circumstances that lead to Relay being a necessary event, I very much enjoyed myself. Going around the track, seeing what everyone had built and all of the themed outfits being worn, was a hoot for me. I really wanted to come back and do it again, and what better way than by making my own team?"

Bixyl : "Very good reasons to Relay. About how many are in Team Scorn, and who are among the more active people on the team?

Aldaris : "I think I can safely say there were a core team of five. Of those the most active members we had were; I myself - co-ordinating efforts, performing the kiosk management and dispersal of information pertaining to the weekend. Gwen, who was very heavily into the fundraising side of activities, and the primary builder for our team campsite. And Charlee, who was very greatly involved on the Relay day itself in participation and provision of extra materials. Despite this, we absolutely would not have enjoyed the campaign we had without all members being involved, as well as all of those who donated towards making our team gold on our first ever outing."

Bixyl : "The team made Gold level this year, over 125,000 or $500 USD.  How much did you expect to raise?"
Aldaris : "Silver, at best. And I'd have been satisfied. For our first outing and for being a small team, I thought that was not just realistic but a challenge and one that wasn't entirely unattainable. Especially given the level of support I wasn't expecting. I thought this may well be me, on my own doing it all myself. That didn't happen, people fell in love with what we were doing. We were on pace for silver until we weren't and things hugely ramped up in the last third of fundraising season. We kept climbing. Gold was no longer a distant vision but very much in reach. With only days to go until relay weekend I was delighted to announce we'd surpassed the threshold. It was a wonderful symbol of how united we all were for a good cause and how far we could all go together."

Bixyl : "The team also had it's own campsite. Did anything in particular inspire the design?"

Aldaris : "We modeled it after a narrow slice of one of Scorn's own venues. Our beach stage is a popular one, and so we decided to bring forth a wedge of that with us to the track. Being that Scorn is what brought us all together, it felt only right that we brought a bit of it with us. Having seen other campsites before, I decided to roll in the theme with a grounded twist. 'Decades of Hope' became 'Decades of Research' and the information on display became mainly focused on the tangible efforts worldwide to identify, prevent and eradicate cancer in all of its' forms. An effort we're proud to have been part of."

Bixyl : "The team also sponsored one of the themed hours on Relay Weekend as well."

Aldaris : "We did! As relay drew closer there were five themes yet available to be sponsored: Rainbow of Ribbons, Ride For Research, Music Is Hope, Coffee and Pajamas, (and) Toga Party. Well I thought 'Ride for Research' was an immediately great fit with our camp theme so I went ahead and asked to sponsor it. Unfortunately it must've taken so long to finalise that we wound up sponsoring rainbow of ribbons instead. Not that it was a problem, everyone looked beautiful during that hour!"

Bixyl : "So you were aiming with Research?"

Aldaris : "Me myself, at least in my memory, could not think of anyone I'd lost to cancer. Overwhelmingly that seems to be what a great many campsites tend to do. It's a nice way to remember people, but didn't feel as appropriate for us, so I steered us in the direction of a more hopeful message - that there are very real efforts happening in the world to destroy cancer right now and the participation of the very people operating teams and running the track are the reason that effort is ongoing. A big thank you to everyone who takes the time to make relay happen, whether they're staffing it or participating. It couldn't happen without all of us."

Bixyl : "Which of the events by the other teams during the course of the Relay got your attention? Any other campsites get your attention as well?"

Aldaris : "Will I get laughed at if I say my jaw was on the floor when I passed The Adult Partnership's campsite? They had these two massive bunny girl silhouettes flanking their central stage. I think it was the scale of those that was very striking as well as that they'd offset their campsite from the track by quite a way onto the grass, so it wasn't right beside the track itself. Our campsite was right across from the 'Seekers of Hope,' they had quite a sprawling area as well which was a cityscape and an adjacent pool. I was glad to walk across the track and be at their pool party. On the Relay day itself I was glad to visit friends at other campsites; Sunbeamers, Roos with a Dream, Kitsunes for A  Cure.

"For outright events I might've been glimpsed at all kinds of places! Relaystock, Sunbeamer's Moon Party, Captains' Roundtable,'s Summer Sailstice, Road Warriors' 12-hour ride. I'm sure there were others too but those are the big ones that come to mind. It's been a long season!

Bixyl : "Sounds like you saw quite a bit."

Aldaris : "Things were pretty high octane from the word 'go'. The very same day I registered a team I was being contacted with everything I needed to know, and there were more events than I knew what to do with weekly ...even daily! Some days had more than one and I had to make some tough decisions about where I was going to be, when I wanted to be at everything! Not that it's a bad thing, it's great to see SL so lively."

Bixyl : "So what do you usually do in Second Life when not Relaying, both on and off season?

Aldaris : "Well on-season provides a deluge of events to attend and so I try to make as many of those as I can while still running our own campaign and club. But when the season closes up I'm quite in love with the expansiveness of the grid. I have a fondness for bike rezzers and cycling my way across continents, or at least as far as I can get until the bike despawns and I'm left hovering in the air on a sim boundary. In fact I love all manner of vehicles - hang gliders, sail boats. They usually all end up the same way but it's a wonderful mode of experiencing the vastness of Second Life. I adore Blake Sea especially for the open water to sail on there. I'm a big fan of interactive art installations too, the kind of art that allows you to walk in or through it, or have a tactile experience. I can't get enough of the works by Regi Yifu. I think some people's first exposure to him has been at SL21B this year in the house made out of tubes and rainbows. But really, anything that plays with perspective will draw me right in. Optical illusion exhibits are right up my street too, there's not many but I'm glad when I can find them. If I'm not in the mood to concentrate on steering, many places across Second Life offer hands-free tours you can take across a variety of mediums and vessels.  Trains, Submarines, Boats, Hot air balloons, Scuba Diving.. it's not an exhaustive list but there's a serenity to just hopping on a mode of transport and letting myself be taken around a space to be shown what a designer wanted me to see. Even if those aren't there, I appreciate any beautiful place and there's no particular genre for me, I love them all!"

Bixyl : "Sounds like you take the time to experience a lot here. What were your plans for next year's Relay for Team Scorn?"

Aldaris : "There weren't! The rush of relay weekend still feels fresh. Doing Team Scorn has highly experimental and we haven't had an earnest discussion about how the experience was for us yet. There's been some talk about what we could do differently so the interest is there. Now that we've had the experience of doing it once we'll be able to look at what we did, what we enjoyed doing and hopefully what we want to do with ourselves next season, knowing what we know now."

Bixyl : "Was there anything else you wanted to add?"
Aldaris : "I don't think so, that was a comprehensive look into the perspective and history of a first year Relay team."

Friday, May 3, 2024

It Came From Fantasy Faire Chat: Stuck Frog

By Bixyl Shuftan
The Fantasy Faire may have ended, but people have a way of hanging onto the fun times.
The sims were closed sometime on the night of May 7 and 8, probably just after Midnight. And throughout the day afterwards, there was plenty of chatter about the good times. Then someone posted a short video, one of the giant frogs at the fair, nicknamed "Ten Ton Tammy," stuck between two rocks.
[15:00] Mila (Mila Irata): we dig the Faire!
[15:01] Alia Baroque: [14:58] Alia Baroque:
[14:58] Alia Baroque: [14:56] Sonya Marmurek: poor Tammy, worked hard through whole Faire, has finally time to visit, and gets stuck!
[14:58] Polenth Yue: Didn't make it giant frog size!
[15:01] ℒυηα Ƈυяℓуѕ-Aмєтнуѕт (LunaRose Amethyst): hahahaha

And then, it got weirdly funny
[15:01] Wondering Fairelander: That is one giant bubble butt
[15:02] Astra Xenia (EroDoll Resident): I wasn't going to look but then you gotta mention bubble butts
[15:02] Astra Xenia (EroDoll Resident): Perfect
[15:02] VιLḧعLmiηα ĦعmLØςк  (DenaNash23 Resident): lolollollllll
[15:03] Wondering Fairelander: I'm glad to be helpful!
[15:03] Gwen Enchanted: ROTFL
[15:03] VιLḧعLmiηα ĦعmLØςк  (DenaNash23 Resident): why are the cheeks so disporportionatley small though ? lol
[15:03] Gwen Enchanted: The Dowager is just happymaking. :)
[15:03] Gwen Enchanted: Vilhemina: She's been dieting!
[15:03] Wondering Fairelander: I can't believe you asked that question in Second Life, Vilhemina.
[15:04] VιLḧعLmiηα ĦعmLØςк  (DenaNash23 Resident): lol, i t .. i mean .. lol
[15:04] VιLḧعLmiηα ĦعmLØςк  (DenaNash23 Resident): >.>
[15:04] VιLḧعLmiηα ĦعmLØςк  (DenaNash23 Resident): it looks liek a frog that has splatic easter eggs glues to its butt lol
[15:04] Astra Xenia (EroDoll Resident): @VιLḧعLmiηα those are what those frog's butts look like irl too
[15:05] Beautiful Storm (VorellaKepesk Resident): think about it. would you want a frog named 'ten ton tammt' with a badonkadonk that could smash a small city?
[15:05] VιLḧعLmiηα ĦعmLØςк  (DenaNash23 Resident): LOL
[15:05] Wondering Fairelander puts Vilhelmina into a special contact set for insulting Tammi
[15:05] fyre (fyreflower Resident): bahahaha
[15:05] Beautiful Storm (VorellaKepesk Resident): give kermit an aneurysm with though kinds of frog cheeks
[15:06] Clover (CloverDunne Resident) flutters through chat with her teeny tiny itty bitty Pixie sized bubble butt ^^
[15:06] Snowlord Resident: i regret slightly I didn't pick up the ten ton tammy's, but perhaps a variant will come out later. it's okay though. I came to quills main shop and got spinning sausages. who could ask for more than that!
[15:06] fyre (fyreflower Resident): pictures kermie in the 'hurt' video*
[15:06] Clover (CloverDunne Resident): O.O
[15:06] Beautiful Storm (VorellaKepesk Resident): spinning bacon slices?
[15:06] Snowlord Resident: well and I did get the raver. lol
[15:06] Snowlord Resident: round sausages!
[15:07] Beautiful Storm (VorellaKepesk Resident): Triple T has everythin Kermit could want. she'd loud, proud, and pink~
[15:07] Beautiful Storm (VorellaKepesk Resident): wait-
[15:07] Snowlord Resident: what what in the buh' what what in the buh!
[15:08] VιLḧعLmiηα ĦعmLØςк  (DenaNash23 Resident): you wanna do what what bubble butt? lol
[15:08] fyre (fyreflower Resident): lolz
[15:08] Wᴏʟꜰ Bʟᴀᴄᴋsᴛᴏʀᴍ (WolfBlackstorm Fairelander): lol
[15:08] Snowlord Resident: :P
[15:09] VιLḧعLmiηα ĦعmLØςк  (DenaNash23 Resident): :P :P
[15:09] VιLḧعLmiηα ĦعmLØςк  (DenaNash23 Resident): lmao
[15:09] Wondering Fairelander: Does anyone have a Buh! gesture?
[15:10] Snowlord Resident: the tunny says buh! lol
[15:10] Tree (TreeRat Resident): Don't even wanna think about buh buh butt
[15:12] Snowlord Resident: you do though.. haha (fyi volume check first.. ) 

Eventually, the chatter moved on to other subjects. But the cheers and chuckles continued.

On another note, one of the Fairelanders had a gift for everyone, an "After the Book Book."
Good morning, Fairelanders. Now that the Faire has ended I wanted to thank you all for being you and helping to inspire my poetry. This year I wasn’t done writing when the book had to go up for sale. So here is a free companion book. I hope you enjoy this little memento. ~Sidhe Fairelander (aka Banshee Heartsong).
One can get it through the Fantasy Faire group.
Bixyl Shuftan

Friday, April 12, 2024

Reader Submitted: Tutu For The Relay

  On Sunday April 7, The Second Life Cheerleading Squad and the Cure Chasers were holding a joint fundraiser. 
 Join the spirited SLCS Cheerleaders and compassionate Cure Chasers as they host a Relay for Life event like no other, set against the enchanting backdrop of a Sarah's Magic Kingdom . Get ready to rally for a cause as you immerse yourself in the magical world of Disney while supporting cancer research and awareness. Experience the joy of giving back as you participate in themed activities, and live performances, all in the company of fellow supporters
At one point, Alison Flow announced in Relay chat, "Just 3K more at the cheerleaders funday get cure chaser bill wheelwright into a tutu for the rest of the day. can we get some remote support for that?!!" To which Bill responded, "ALISON!!"
[16:29] Alison Flow: just 3K more at the cheerleaders funday get cure chaser bill wheelwright into a tutu for the rest of the day. can we get some remote support for that?!!
[16:29] Bill Wheelwright: ALISON!!
[16:29] Alison Flow whistles
[16:29] Sienna (Sienna Thor): and....we are going until 9 pm Bill
[16:30] Bill Wheelwright: 900; EASTERN??
[16:30] Alison Flow: tysm trader
[16:30] Trader Whiplash-Ballinger (Trader1 Whiplash) sends L$1
[16:30] Bixyl Shuftan: :D can you send me a picture for the Newser, and a transcript of local conversation when it happens?
[16:33] Alison Flow: woot. we all did it!!!!
Well, I got transcripts, and a picture
[16:33:23] Gail Anna Cooljoke Bayn (gailyana.mehler): ~YAY!!! \  \(@o@)/  /  YAY!!!~ Bill!
[16:33:27] Sue (sue.terr): get it off get it off get it off get it off
[16:33:29] Gail Anna Cooljoke Bayn (gailyana.mehler): thanks for being such a good sport!!!
[16:33:31] Luna Atheria (lunara.atheria): 👏  👏  👏  🅰🅿🅿🅻🅰🆄🅳🆂   👏  👏  👏
[16:33:31] Luna Atheria (lunara.atheria): 👏  👏  👏  🅰🅿🅿🅻🅰🆄🅳🆂   👏  👏
[16:33:31] Bill Wheelwright: if Sue leaves, it's cause she's on UK time
[16:33:32] Vik Svoboda: Uraaaaaa!!
[16:33:36] Lady Ren 'Superjinx' Flow (ren.float): ☆☆☆☆AAAAPPPPPPPPLLLLEEEESSSSAAAAUUUUCCCCEEEE☆☆☆☆
[16:33:36] Lady Ren 'Superjinx' Flow (ren.float) applauds
[16:33:39] Luna Atheria (lunara.atheria): woooo hooooooooooo
[16:33:42] Betty Woodford (betty.helstein): ♩♪♫♬✭✭✭✪✪✪☺✪✪☺✪☺ APPLAUUUSSSSEEEEE ☺✪☺✪✪☺✪✪✪✭✭✭♬♫♩♪
[16:33:42] Taylor Aerallo: *.¸.*´ ★ `*.¸.*´APPLAUSE  `*.¸.*´ ★ `*.¸.*´
[16:33:42] Taylor Aerallo: Applause!!
[16:33:43] Krissy Goode: APPLAUSE!!!!
[16:33:43] ・cutie・ (suthrncutie): lol Sue
[16:33:46] Krissy Goode: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy!!! :D :D :D
[16:33:48] Taylor Aerallo: *.¸.*´ ★ `*.¸.*´  APPLAUSE  `*.¸.*´ ★ `*.¸.*´
[16:33:49] Sienna (sienna.thor): if Sue leaves, it's because you put on a tutu
[16:33:56] Sue (sue.terr): no will stay just for you Bill
[16:33:57] ・cutie・ (suthrncutie): LOL
[16:34:04] ・cutie・ (suthrncutie): YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
[16:34:12] ・cutie・ (suthrncutie): ooooo sooo pretty
[16:34:19] Gail Anna Cooljoke Bayn (gailyana.mehler): thanks so much everyone
[16:34:19] ・cutie・ (suthrncutie): so so pretty
[16:34:23] Sienna (sienna.thor): I hope Bill is wearing underwear
[16:34:34] Sue (sue.terr): take the rest off Bill
[16:34:36] Gail Anna Cooljoke Bayn (gailyana.mehler):  :::::: 𝕋𝕌ℕ𝔼! ::::::
[16:34:44] ・cutie・ (suthrncutie): there we go!!
[16:34:52] ・cutie・ (suthrncutie): our RELAY CHAMPION!!!
[16:34:52] Sienna (sienna.thor): love this song
[16:34:59] Gail Anna Cooljoke Bayn (gailyana.mehler): lol he's here with the cheerleaders, and we will teach him to always wear spanx!
[16:35:10] Sue (sue.terr): lol
[16:35:12] Krissy Goode:    ~❊❥❊~TUNE! ~❊❥❊~
[16:35:12] Krissy Goode:      I ❤ THIS  T U N E ! ! !
[16:35:23] Alison Flow: trader wants you to stop by T1 after 5pm to show off the lengths you'll go to for a donation, bill
[16:35:29] ・cutie・ (suthrncutie): Bill you make that tutu look goood!
[16:35:37] Kristina Curtau is online.
[16:35:45] Renee Wheatcliffe (renee.littlepaws) is online.
[16:35:48] SLCS Trivia: What is the name of the lead horse on Disneyland's Carousel?
[16:36:05] Bυɳɳყ Ƒєηмσяє (mimi.bunny) is offline.
[16:36:12] ・cutie・ (suthrncutie): I swear I've seen this played out before
[16:36:18] ・cutie・ (suthrncutie): the tutu and shoes
[16:36:23] Corrie Jean Braveheart (corrie.snugglepuff) is offline.
[16:36:32] Bill Wheelwright: the shoes are the formal ones.
[16:36:41] Bill Wheelwright: dance shoes did not come with the outfit
[16:36:44] Gail Anna Cooljoke Bayn (gailyana.mehler): the shoes are what makes it yes!
[16:37:31] ・cutie・ (suthrncutie): YUP!! found you BILL!!
[16:37:34] ・cutie・ (suthrncutie):
[16:37:58] Sienna (sienna.thor): I've never seen this Bill guy before in my life
[16:38:07] Luna Atheria (lunara.atheria): woo hooo bill i knew you would look GREAT
[16:38:17] Luna Atheria (lunara.atheria): so hot!!
[16:38:18] Gail Anna Cooljoke Bayn (gailyana.mehler): What's gonna work?
[16:38:18] Gail Anna Cooljoke Bayn (gailyana.mehler): TEAMWORK!
From Ren Float

[16:35:23] Alison Flow: trader wants you to stop by T1 after 5pm to show off the lengths you'll go to for a donation, bill
[16:35:29] ・cutie・ (suthrncutie): Bill you make that tutu look goood!
[16:35:37] Kristina Curtau is online.
[16:35:45] Renee Wheatcliffe (renee.littlepaws) is online.
[16:35:48] SLCS Trivia: What is the name of the lead horse on Disneyland's Carousel?
[16:36:05] Bυɳɳყ Ƒєηмσяє (mimi.bunny) is offline.
[16:36:12] ・cutie・ (suthrncutie): I swear I've seen this played out before
[16:36:18] ・cutie・ (suthrncutie): the tutu and shoes
[16:36:23] Corrie Jean Braveheart (corrie.snugglepuff) is offline.
[16:36:32] Bill Wheelwright: the shoes are the formal ones.
[16:36:41] Bill Wheelwright: dance shoes did not come with the outfit
[16:36:44] Gail Anna Cooljoke Bayn (gailyana.mehler): the shoes are what makes it yes!
[16:37:31] ・cutie・ (suthrncutie): YUP!! found you BILL!!
[16:37:34] ・cutie・ (suthrncutie):
[16:37:58] Sienna (sienna.thor): I've never seen this Bill guy before in my life
[16:38:07] Luna Atheria (lunara.atheria): woo hooo bill i knew you would look GREAT
[16:38:17] Luna Atheria (lunara.atheria): so hot!!
[16:38:18] Gail Anna Cooljoke Bayn (gailyana.mehler): What's gonna work?
[16:38:18] Gail Anna Cooljoke Bayn (gailyana.mehler): TEAMWORK!
One example of some of the crazy fun at the Relay
From  Lady Ren 'Superjinx' Flow (Ren Float) and Alison Flow

Monday, March 4, 2024

Interview With Jarden Alexis on The PBC Cultural Arts Center And The Black History Month Exhibit

By Dancerina Starlight,
The Second Life Newser focuses on capturing Second Life news that would be of great interest to the community.  This article captures the establishment of the Premier Business Center Cultural Arts Center by Jarden Alexis. It's an interview developed by SLN's reporting team. It is located on the northeast side of sim; surrounded by greenery and cascading lights of many colors. The edifice has two-levels with historical categories, space for adequate entertainment, lounging, and of course, walk-throughs.

Jarden, I am humbled, yet honored, to have been asked by Second Life Newser (SLN) to interview you and capture the work you have done to establish the PBC Cultural Arts Center (PBC CAC) to share with Second Life (SL) residents.  I realize that the PBC CAC is just one part of what you do here at the Premiere Business Center (PBC). Thus, it will be very difficult for me to only focus on this aspect of your overall work so I will try not to use my peripheral vision to avoid getting impressively distracted by your surrounding projects.

I will need you to keep me on task with the PBC CAC so I won't get drawn to the other surrounding projects. I remember writing an article about PBC about a year ago and also remember last year you had a similar expose event. I remember having plans to write about that and then real (RL) happened. This time SLN is ensuring we capture PBC CAC by extending awareness through journalism.

With that, thank you for agreeing to sit with SLN to discuss your current project, PBC CAC.  

SLN 1:  How was the PBC CAC established and what is its purpose?

J1:  February is Black History Month in the United States and the PBC Cultural Arts Center was established in 2021 as a month-long Black History project. The idea for the PBC Cultural Arts Center originated several months prior while I was planning and setting up for an Art show to promote the works of my SL sister Indea Vaher prior to her passing away on January 31, 2022. At some point during planning and set up Indea decided that she didn't want to display a lot of her real life work in Second Life so we ended up halting plans for the art show.

With the month of February approaching I wanted to do something of substance on the PBC sim for Black History Month that would integrate the PBC mission. Since I had already started set-up for the art show, somehow a thought came to mind that I could use the setup for black history month as a means of educating, motivating and inspiring others through exhibits that would detail African American contributions that impacted the world!  I began online research and before long the bottom floor of the venue was filled with Black History exhibits that included black history facts, black leaders and activists, pioneers, innovators and more!

SLN:  Fascinating beginning, Jarden.

SLN 2:  What types of resources does the PBC CAC recognize?

J2:  Currently the exhibits stem from past achievements and contributions that have major impacts on society made by African Americans as pioneers, inventors, or innovators. There is also information about the Civil Rights and Black Lives Matter movements, as well as bits and pieces of the arts which include or will include exhibits in the categories of performing arts, literary arts, and visual arts.  As time permits I will work to incorporate more information and modern contributions by black people including black children.  

SLN:  You seem to really have a vision for expansion and capacity. Wonderful!

SLN 3:  Specifically and categorically, how do you identify who and what will be displayed in the museum?

J3:  With the month of February designated as Black History Month in the United States, each year there is a RL Black History Month Theme which I attempt to incorporate into the exhibits while staying true to my PBC mission and the initial reason for establishing the PBC Cultural Arts Center, which is to display educational, motivational, and inspirational information from past to present pioneers which include, but is not limited to inventions, innovations, and critical contributions.  

SLN:  I see, Jarden.

SLN 4:  What are the criteria for inclusion in the PBC CAC?

J4:  Exhibits will display milestones and achievements of Black people past and present including children who have done extraordinary things, or made sacrifices, and world wide contributions, that have a significant impact or could impact on a global scale.

SLN:  So, what I hear you say is that your focus is vast and extend beyond the conventional United States approach to Black History Month, but will include the continuum of historical implications across the world. Great!

SLN 5:  What are some named individually, whether past and present?

J5:  Let's begin with Barack Obama, the first African American elected as president of the United States in 2008 and Kamala Harris who is the first female vice president and the highest-ranking female official in U.S. history, as well as the first African-American vice president.  There are also Pioneers and innovators whose inventions and ideas or improvements have greatly impacted the world. You will find information on The Civil Rights Timeline, The Black Lives Matter Movement, and so much more. It is a lot to name and a lot more to add. As time permits I will update information with modern contributions and provide information on black children who have made major contributions as well.

SLN: Very well. You have started at a good place and with recognizable names. Thank you.

SLN 6:  How are resources added to the PBC CAC?

J6:  Through online research and resources as well as suggestions that are researched and added as an exhibit based on their contributions.

SLN:  I would imagine with the vastness and variety you have on the sim altogether that perhaps your sim is opened to the SL public. With that--

SLN 7:  What does your traffic on the sim resemble and what do you hope for the future direction of the PBC CAC?

J7: I don't monitor traffic much unless there is a PBC event. PBC is a global multicultural sim, it is open daily and everyone is welcomed! I am happy and appreciative to see people as they explore the sim and all that PBC has to offer. I am tremendously grateful for those that visit and or attend the PBC events. I believe that collectively we make PBC and PBC events a success!

As far as the future of PBC I hope to provide more events that demonstrate the PBC mission with hopes that someone is impacted positively by something that they have done or seen on the PBC sim whether exploring or attending a PBC event.

SLN:  We are in SL. The reality is that just as in real (RL), SL has people from all over the world. Often times we can all wrap our arms around what is familiar to us; often forgetting that there are people from all over the world around us in SL.

SLN 8:  What are the benefits of bringing awareness through this historical and artistic format in SL?

J8:  PBC  is a Global MultiCultural sim with a mission to motivate, educate, and inspire. Second Life is a platform with a global multicultural audience therefore it is a great place to share information and spread knowledge and awareness about the many past and present contributions of African Americans and black people.

SLN 9:  What is your inspiration? What do you hope to gain from your work?

J9:  My Inspiration comes from the encouraging words and support of those around me as well as my passion for the things that I do in SL.  I believe that if I am going to spend a lot of time in SL, I want to do something more than play "a game." I want to do something constructive and impacting with hopes that I can encourage or inspire others to do the same. There is satisfaction in the thought of bringing awareness and increasing knowledge to a large audience and making a difference that could potentially impact real life relationships through the knowledge gained from visiting PBC or a PBC event!

SLN: That is inspiring.

SLN:  Let's take a look back at 2023.

SLN 10:  You had an event in 2023 commemorating some notable African Americans/Black, etc. Who were some of those people highlighted in the cultural center last year? Are they still factored into the museum?

J10:  The PBC Cultural Arts Center was recently moved from its original location to where it stands now.  Prior to the move there were a lot more exhibits which included people like Dr Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Claudette Colvin, Harriet Tubman, Carter G. Woodson, Maya Angelou, Benjamin Banneker,Jesse Eugene Russell, Tony D. Hansberry, II and so many more. Those exhibits were removed during the move, but will be added back as time permits. Last year the exhibits consisted mostly of the Civil Rights Movement time-line and that exhibit still remains as part of the PBC Cultural Arts Center today.

SLN: You have really invested quality time in your establishment of the CAC.

SLN 11:  What is the difference between last year and this year?

J11:  Last year the exhibits were based on The Civil Rights Movement Time-line.  This year the museum still includes the Civil Rights Movement Time-line, but in addition to the Civil Rights Movement, you will find information about the Black Lives Matters Movement and many other categories such as inventors, innovators, the , science, musicians, choreographers, and more.

SLN:  Isn't it amazing how a vision can unfold in a way that fills in the blanks or gaps of the outcome?  Wonderful.

SLN 12:  What do you hope residents in SL would gain from such an enriched edifice with historical knowledge?

I would hope that the museum and its content will increase knowledge and awareness of SL residents and ultimately lead to people realizing that contributions of Black People are critical to the world, and without the efforts of these pioneers, inventors, innovators, doctors, scientists and so many more along with their groundbreaking contributions where would this world be!

I want people to realize that Black History is not just American History! Black History is EVERYONE's history! BLACK HISTORY IS WORLD HISTORY!

SLN:  WOW! On that note, Jarden, this interview has been so enlightening and enjoyable. It is always a pleasure to sit with you and learn of your work in the SL community. Before you provide any final remark, I understand there might be congratulations in order?

SLN:  Do you care to talk about it?  Well, if you don't know what I am talking about--Does "Destination" sound familiar? Yes, someone has let the "cat out the bag" and shared that PBC is now a Destination local.  

Please conclude this interview with your elaboration on that aspect and any other final remarks you might have.

J:  *Laughs* I can say this much, this was not something that I had even thought of nor expected!  I was extremely shocked to get an IM from Strawberry Linden while busy still setting up exhibits and unaware that she was standing outside in front of the PBC Cultural Arts Center!  I was honored to give her a tour and I was very happy, and more than grateful to hear her say that she was going to add the PBC Cultural Arts Center to the Destination guide under three categories:  social awareness, museums, and galleries! I am hoping that she will eventually return to explore more of the PBC sim along with other Lindens who might enjoy all that PBC has to offer! PBC is open to the Public and ALL LINDENS!!!

JardenAlexis and Strawberry Linden

Dancerina, I am more than grateful to you, Gemma, and Bixyl as well as for the rest of the SL Newser for your excellent coverage of PBC events in times past and for this interview today! Not only has each one of you helped to bring exposure to PBC, but you have also attended and supported PBC events. Through all of you, I am inspired, and fueled by your presence, your support and every PBC event that you attend!

You have provided the SL community with an excellent introduction to PBC, The PBC Cultural Arts Center, the PBC Mission, and all that PBC has to offer. I am extremely grateful for your time and this amazing opportunity to sit and chat with you! Thank you so much for all that you do, not just for PBC but for the entire SL community! Your work does not go unnoticed and you all are tremendously  appreciated!

SLN:  What a way to conclude this interview! Congratulations to you and PBC for having earned a space in the Destination Guide!  Jarden, thank you very much. 

Premier Business Center has a social media presence at:



Again, thank you for your time, Jarden.

Submitted by: Dancerina Starlight and the Second Life Newser Team