By DrFran Babcock
I received an offline message from the famous Doc Gascoigne
telling me that Marianne McCann wanted me to interview her. This didn’t seem
too unusual, because my last Second Life Birthday interview with her was my
favorite interview since I had started work at SL Newser ( ),.
I put it all together: Doc, Mari, SL12B all the components seemed to be in
place, so I thought all was in place. I contacted Marianne, and she informed me
that Doc had told her I wanted to interview her! Well, you have
to love Mr. Gascoigne for his cleverness. Marianne and I laughed about this
prank, and agreed to talk about SL12B.
Unfortunately for us, we were both so busy with (me) Relay for
Life, High Fidelity, and First Life; and Marianne with The Arcade, SL12B, and
the beginning of summer camp. As she said: “Yikes!”
The Interview
However, thanks to the wonder of notecards and Instant Messages,
we present here an interview with the beloved Marianne McCann, wise beyond her
young years:
SL Newser: In my opinion, this year is a tipping point for
Second Life™. Work has begun on SL2.0 (Sansar) and Philip Rosedale is in alpha
with High Fidelity. Where do you see yourself positioned as things begin to
Marianne: Personally, I don't see that. I do think there's a LOT
of interesting things going on in Virtual Worlds, even beyond High Fidelity and
Project Sansar, but I don't see that as the death knell of Second Life.
On a personal level, I have almost no interest in High Fidelity.
I do have an account, but I've yet to find anything I feel enticed by there. As
to Sansar, well, I need to see something before I even consider any involvement
So, so far, I'm still riding this wave. If something compels me,
I'll go over there -- but thus far, I'm not compelled.
Marianne: Well, it's a little known fact that I came up with this
year's theme.
Initially, I was playing off this notion that when we create in
Second Life, what we create comes from our own dreams. We create this world
purely from our own imaginations. At the Second Life birthday, we bring those
dreams out and share them with each other. It's why I've tended to call each
SL12B presentation a "dream," rather than just a "display."
There is a deeper level to it, however, and it's slightly coded
into the choice of quote I used for the theme. "What Dreams May Come"
is from Hamlet's "To be or not to be" soliloquy, and is very much
about death, and what dreams may come in dying. The Richard Matheson book that
also uses the line is similarly about death. It may seem odd for a birthday.
Yet, let's go back to your earlier question: so many want to
think of Second Life has having this uncertain future in the wake of Project
Sansar and other things. Heck, we have a long and storied history of declaring
the death of Second Life.
So, in this time, when we seem so enamored with the death of
Second Life, let us instead see what dreams may indeed come. Let's really give
people a taste of what makes Second Life still the best virtual experience out
there, twelve years down the line.
How did you get the idea?
What were the special challenges in putting it together?
What is your favorite part of the build?
What thoughts/feelings you like people to take away from the exhibit?
Marianne: My main build this
year is the pavilion for Bay City, titled "The Bay City Dream." I
wanted to share a slice of what those of us who live there see and experience.
I've always been fond of building my displays at the birthday
event in line with vintage World's Fair structures, and this year is no
exception. The design itself is a scaled down version of the Ford Magic Skyway,
designed by WED Enterprises for the 1964-65 New York World's Fair (ED Note:
That’s exactly what I thought of when I saw it). It does deviate a lot
from it, but anyone familiar with the original will see some very obvious nods.
It is also a classic "Dark Ride," which is what the
original was as well. You'll board a car, built by my collaborator, ADudeNamed
Anthony (ED Note: who came in third in my RFL team’s build contest) and see
three vistas of the city, while a narrator - we've called him "Narrator
Mole" tells you about the Bay City Dream.
It was a bit of a challenge to put together. How do you portray
the whole flavor of Bay City within a limited space? I had to use a lot of
visual tricks to pull it off. In the end, the vistas inside are probably my
favorite element of the show.
In the end, though, I hope folks who visit it get a sense of
what the Bay City mainland community is, and what makes us a special place. I
also hope it entertains folks, and they enjoy the whimsy of it all.
SL Newser: What else would you like people to know about you,
about SL, about the future of virtual worlds? In other words…what dreams may
Marianne: In the end, I'm a dreamer. I always will be. I think
there's yet a bright future in Virtual Worlds, and we've only yet scratched the
surface here. There's still times to be had here, and rather than hanging
funerary flowers, let's celebrate what we have here, and what will be.
Once again, Marianne has shown herself to be a literate and sane
resident in a world filled with every form of humanity—just like First Life.
Notecards make it easy to conduct an interview, but I will have
to track down this busy girl and do some follow up.
Meanwhile, come to SL12B and take a ride into the history of Bay
DrFran Babcock
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